
6th ESES Workshop

eses-logo.png   6th ESES Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria

Hyperparathyroidism due multiple gland disease:
An evidence-based perspective

May 28 – 30, 2015

Welcome to Varna

On behalf of the local organizing committee, it is our great pleasure to invite you to the 6th ESES Workshop which will take place in the beautiful Bulgarian city of Varna at the Hotel ADMIRAL - Golden Sands Resort.

The 2015 ESES Workshop will be focused on “Hyperparathyroidism due multiple gland disease. An evidence-based perspective”.

Since the workshop in Lund, new information and more evidence-based knowledge has become available to help in the differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of patients with primary or secondary parathyroid multiple gland disease, the most challenging parathyroid syndromes even for the experienced endocrine surgeon.

We invite you to submit your research to ESES-Varna preferentially (but not exclusively!) on this topic. The accepted abstracts will be published in Langenbeck’s Archives of Surgery and authors will be invited to submit full-length manuscripts. In addition to free papers sessions and the three main symposia, there will be two outstanding invited lectures on the genetic basis and surgical management of hyperparathyroidism due to multigland disease. Throughout the meeting, special emphasis will be put on open discussions between workshop attendants and the experts of the three working groups.

We have done our best to put up an attractive scientific program and to make sure that you enjoy our warm Welcome reception on Thursday, May 28, and the dinner on Friday evening.

Besides the obvious scientific and professional reasons to attend the 2015 ESES Workshop, Varna, the beautiful city at the Black see coast, is a powerful reason for coming.

 Rumen Pandev                             Antonio Sitges-Serra
 Krasimir Ivanov                                President of the ESES
 Rosen Madjov  

on behalf of the local organizing committee
ESES, European Society of Endocrine Surgeons


  Registration Info   DES Examinations   Scientific Program, May 29   Scientific Program, May 30
  Submission of Abstracts   Faculty   Guidelines for Speakers   General Information
  Venue   Important Dates   Social Program   Reservation & Travel
  Transport Accessibility      




Gold Sponsor

Medtronic & Covidien


Bronze Sponsor

dr. Langer