
15th International Congress of Colorectal Surgery

Prof_Ivanov.pngIt is my honour and great pleasure to invite you to the 15th International Congress of Colorectal Surgery, which will be held on 5th-7th October 2017 in Varna, Bulgaria.

The Clinic of Coloproctology, at the Department of General and Operative Surgery, Medical University-Varna, has organized 14 Biannial National Conferences of Coloproctology with international participation so far. These meetings have been a substantial contribution to the continuous progress in the interdisciplinary field of Colorectal Surgery. The broad range of innovations in modern diagnosis, personalized management and effective prevention of the diseases of colon, rectum and anus are characterized by rising sociomedical importance worldwide.

Тhe 15th Congress of Colorectal Surgery is the successor of the Conference of Coloproctology, treasuring the best practices and traditions of this Conference.

I sincerely believe that in the lovely city of Varna we will have the opportunity to share our latest experience and discuss the most innovative ideas, facing the challenges of the 21st millennium. Undoubtedly, this fruitful interpersonal communication, during and after the meeting, will enhance the international collaboration for a better and united world.

I look forward to welcoming you in Varna!

Congress president
Prof. Krasimir Ivanov, MD, PhD, DSc





15th International Congress of Colorectal Surgery

Hotel Admiral, Golden Sands Resort



  • Malignant diseases of colon, rectum and anus;
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • Functional disorders of the colon, rectum and anus;
  • Surgical management of colorectal cancer liver metastases;
  • Innovations in colorectal surgery;
  • Stem cells and colorectal carcinogenesis.

Programme of 15th International Congress of Colorectal Surgery